Your Data

Your JobID is: 202112021211022296

Your input MSA is mistic clustal alpha file.txt

Your Reference Sequence is the First sequence in the Alignment


Your MSA has 35 sequences in 8 clusters at 62% identity

Warning: Low number of clusters. Results should be used with caution! More information here

Mutual Information Circos

MI Circo is a sequential circular representation of the MSA and the information it contains. Colored square boxes of the second circle indicate the MSA position conservation (highly conserverd positions are in red, while less conserved ones are in blue).

Lines connect pairs of positions with MI greater than 6.5 (Marino Buslje et al, 2009). Red edges represent the top 5%, black ones are between 70% and 95%, and gray edges account for the remaining 70%.

More information can be found here


Mutual Information Network

Network files are generated using Cytoscape. Each node represents a site from the MSA. Node color represents site conservation, red is for very conserved sites while blue is for less conserved sites.


Interactive Network View

This is an interactive network view using CytoscapeWeb. Select a network and click on the button below


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